Captain Wonderful

Status: Active Duty

Appearance: short black hair and mustache, mirrored wire framed sunglasses, black turtle neck, lighter blue or gray belt with “W” logo on buckle, black cargo pants tucked into combat boots, large muscled bouncer build, white human male

Symbol/ Trademark: ‘W’ – worn on belt buckle



Crime, resulting in long-term confinement- Felon

Forced to leave home at 14 and then out of his apartment through no fault of his own as an adult

Death of a fiancé

Saved 2 lives by stopping people from choking

Received 2 certifications in special trainings

Counseled others

Experienced in public relations


Resistant to injury

Indirect mind reading- predictions based on ability to accurately read a person’s eyes, expression, and body language


Spell that turns foes to friends. Unfortunately, it will also turn friend to foe if he misfires!

Super physical strength



Very creative with arts and crafts



Gold dust

Bottling strong emotions then exploding

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  2. Pingback: Planet Sweet Tooth’s Temporary Cavity | Discovering Empowerment Through Creativity

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